How to work remotely as a freelance translator

In this article you will find all the information you need to start working for Semantix as a remote freelancer. It contains general requirements for a translator, plus security requirements needed for successful collaboration.


      Can you work as a freelance translator from home?

      You can work as a freelancer from home and most translators today do work remotely. You can be in charge of your own working hours, while respecting deadlines. Communication is key, especially for a freelance translator, and you will be working with our project managers on a daily basis.

      When working as a remote linguist, you need to keep in mind that, depending on your country of residence, you must meet the applicable business/taxation regulations; for example, in some countries you must have a registered business despite working as a sole freelancer.

      How to start working as a remote translator

      If you want to work with Semantix as a remote translator, the first step is to apply via the company website.

      Via the link you will find our general requirements for vendors.

      We require a formal education in translation (and/or experience) as well as a specialisation, or a specialised field of interest. We also prefer that you live in the country of your target language, but it is not essential.

      We prioritise linguists who are familiar with software such as Memsource, or any other translation CAT tool. You will be translating exclusively into your mother tongue.

      Security is important to keep in mind when working remotely. Semantix has strict secrecy requirements regarding translations and, as a freelance translator, you must ensure that no unauthorised person can access the information we send you. This means that you work with our projects on your own computer, and confirm that all documents are handled with confidentiality. We sign a confidentiality agreement that describes how we jointly handle this.

      You are not required to live in the country of your translation language, but you are not allowed to transfer or process personal data in a non-European Economic Area (EEA) country (third country) without prior written consent by Semantix. You are also not allowed to share or transfer data to any other third party unless given permission by Semantix.