Why Semantix?

Why Semantix?
Our mission is to make people and businesses shine in any language.
At Semantix, we create value and drive development towards new and better solutions for our customers and business partners. Here at Semantix, SHINE stands for: Self-starting – Helpful – Inclusive – Naturally curious – Entrepreneurial.
Does this sound like you?
Employee satisfaction
Personal development
We want to bring out the best in our employees, and we consider employee satisfaction and personal development highly important. For your motivation, as a Semantix employee, we find it crucial that you and your manager invest in your relationship and reach a common understanding regarding expectations in your role.
You both contribute to defining goals in areas in which you can grow, challenge yourself and contribute.
You discuss not only the goals but also the way you and we get there together.
The appraisal process is flexible, giving you and your manager freedom to use your good judgement.
Appraisal process

Appraisal process
We conduct our appraisals based on the behaviour described in our Employee Value Proposition, this means that the appraisals are focused on the Semantix values, guiding principles and leadership philosophy.
Personal development
We’re convinced that reaching your full potential is easier if you’re directly involved in, can influence and feel accountable for your own career development.
You and your manager will arrange to meet regularly. You’ll discuss and follow up on the progress towards your goals, adjust if necessary and ensure that you get the support and guidance that you need.Healthy minds and bodies
Your physical and mental health are important to us.
We help our employees to increase their physical activity level and improve their sense of wellbeing.
It’s just as important to take care of your mind as it is to look after your body. We’re always looking for ways to support employees in all aspects of their health.
We see helping you maintain good health and mental wellness as a responsibility we share with you.
We provide resources, such as stress management training, therapy sessions, exercise equipment and opportunities to take part in physical challenges and health initiatives.
We welcome your ideas and opinions. We believe that being heard and valued is a vital part of wellness.
Working with a happy, healthy team is as important to us as working with a team of world-leading language experts. Together we can build a healthy, shiny future.
Freelance work
Most interpreters and translators work as freelancers, meaning that rather than being permanently employed, you accept or decline assignment requests from Semantix. If you are interested in freelance work as a translator or an interpreter you can read more below.